Lets Get it Straigt. I was a part of a CMMi 5 Company in the Past and I am right now practicing agile methods.
Lets be more simple and straigt forward, I feel Agile is going to Kill CMMi Practices as It grows !!!
Once opon a time I was also a part of Lengthy, Boaring, Sleepy CMMi Process Discussions..Which I feel is a dead weastage for skilled manpower in any sort of organization...
You are doing a Project and all you need is the result in Hand...if you are with me in this, u love agile methods...
See this, the Below items are the Goals and Practices for CMM..
Specific Goals and Practices
Generic Goals and Practices
Process Areas
1 Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR)
2 Configuration Management (CM)
3 Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR)
4 Integrated Project Management +IPPD (IPM)
5 Measurement and Analysis (MA)
6 Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID)
7 Organizational Process Definition +IPPD (OPD)
8 Organizational Process Focus (OPF)
9 Organizational Process Performance (OPP)
10 Organizational Training (OT)
11 Product Integration (PI)
12 Project Monitoring and Control (PMC)
13 Project Planning (PP)
14 Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA)
15 Quantitative Project Management (QPM)
16 Requirements Development (RD)
17 Requirements Management (REQM)
18 Risk Management (RSKM)
19 Supplier Agreement Management (SAM)
20 Technical Solution (TS)
21 Validation (VAL)
22 Verification (VER)
An Organization is to satisfy / Achive certain goals and practices to get CMMi Certification and for that they have to make a hell lot of documents, process, metrix bla bla bla. Jesus 'F' Mary. Burrr..Look at the Wikipedia Link for this..
This is a Big Picture of that, Click on this link...
Inside a CMM Discussion room, you waste your Energy, your Organizations Pen, Paper, Electricity and Some Biscuts and Nuts if they provide.
Let me talk about some Agile..
You have a Project to Complete...
You Devided the timeline into spints, teams into scrum..
Each sprint is at the max 4 weeks..
Each Scrum team has 5 to 9 people...
We dont have a team leader here, but We have a Scrum master. he is just a facilitator, rather then a conventional 'team leader' who treats the employees below him as modern day slaves...I m not insane, It happens manytimes...you knew it !!!

Every activity that should be completed will go to the product backlog...(in a Excel sheet may be)
Scrum team will contain people with different skill sets.
Scrum teams will pick up backlog items from the on going sprint..
Scrum teams completes it, shows a demonstration of it at the end of the sprint.
The Manifesto of Agile is below:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.
Looks Good ?? is it ??..
thanks to Aviruchi, Shashi, Santosh for Subscribing my Blog...I will keep you posted....if you want to get daily updates, please type your id in the top and subscribe..!! Do write your views on this in the below comments section.....
i am convinced
ReplyDeleteAmén, brother!!! me 2
ReplyDeletecrap...a sprint is a plan to follow by itself
ReplyDeleteWhat you are doing is like comparing an potato with a telephone, both are very different things. CMMI is a means to manage organisations and ensure that processes are manged in a way that defines performance and identifies ways to continuously improve and allows organisations to benchmark maturity with other organisations. Agile is a project mangemnet approach, you can not run an organisation as a project
ReplyDeleteAgile does not work everywhere. Agile works if the team is less skilled and does not know what to do. The project managers job gets easy as he has nothing to plan and asks the team to do his work. This will work only on small issues. I feel Agile is a waste of time for experienced people.
ReplyDeleteIt is like politics. Earlier a minister in the government was responsible if something went wrong. So, you had to choose people with leadership skills. Now a days its Cabinet Decision. So, if something goes wrong no one to be held responsible. Same is with Agile...You will see more useless guys at the top with Agile...
ReplyDeleteIQI consulting provides a standard CMMI rating mechanism for organizations to help analyze and enhance the prime capabilities that accommodate its performance and quality.